Saturday, October 17, 2009

Promote Your Favorite Orkut Community through Orkut Promotions

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Hello Explorers, We all Know that Orkut has launched Promotion feature. And Here is the New Update available for Orkut Promotion.

Before I start It's Important That you know
How to Get Publicized Through Orkut Promotions

You Own a Community,
You are a Moderator/co-owner of some community,
You are a big fan of Your Favorite actor/actress/celebrity...

and You want Everyone to Join The Community!
Unlike The Old days, where you used to manually copy the URL of your favorite community and you would have asked your family and friends to join the same exchanging the links(which landed into spam folder :))!

Bye Bye Old Days! Oyla! Orkut Makes Everything Easy, Just in a Click of your mouse button you could promote hundreds of community within No Time! Thanks to The New Promote Tab which is available at your favorite community homepage!

Just Click on The
Promote Tab which is Present at left Nav in your Orkut Community Homepage. Just below the Join/Unjoin Option near Community Profile Picture.. and you will be redirected to Promotions Page!

Once You Click on The Community's Promote Button you are able to decorate your Promotion with whatever text you Want. By Default, It uses The Community Profile Pic for Promotion.

You Can even Replace The Community Picture with Text describing The Community(in 160 characters) Just Click on the Text Radio Button...

Once You are Done Click on
Create Promotion.
That's It! Now your Community goes viral spreading the word across the world and Increasing The Member count of your Community!

What's More! Start Today The New Feature of Community Promotion by Orkut!

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2 comments on "Promote Your Favorite Orkut Community through Orkut Promotions"

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Srivathsan GK on October 17, 2009 at 5:56 AM said...

Awesome Tutorial Mr.Chethan ;)Thank you so much for sharing :) keep rocking dude ;)

Chethan on October 17, 2009 at 6:47 AM said...


:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))

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